The Board resolved the consolidated financial statements for the second quarter of 2024
Posted on: 2024.08.07
Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors: 2024/08/07
Date of approval by the audit committee: 2024/08/07
Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the reporting period (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2024/01/01~2024/06/30
Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): 1,239,116
Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): 208,960
Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (142,783)
Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (140,775)
Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (110,241)
Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD): (110,241)
Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (NTD): (1.76)
Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD): 2,104,385
Total liabilities end of the period (thousand NTD): 581,489
Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the period (thousand NTD): 1,522,896