Promote Gender Equality Policy

With 55.6% of female directors and 31.4% of female managers, WIN continues to engage in a gender-inclusive workplace, sharing resources and outcomes on an equal basis.

We are committed to fostering a maternity-friendly environment in the workplace. It aims to facilitate women's labor rights at all stages of pregnancy, childbirth and childcare, and to maintain a work-family balance. Upon pregnancy, women are not required to work night shifts. The company provides leave such as paternity tests, paternity leave, family care, as well as a breastfeeding room with tables, chairs and refrigerators.

Friendly Workplace Diversity

To balance the career and the family, we have implemented a good parenting mechanism. Employees who have been employed in WIN for six months or more can apply for furlough leave for 3 years after childbirth , in accordance with the "Gender Equality Act" and the "Regulations on Furlough Leave". After the period, the company would arrange a return and placement at the employer (including training courses), so that employees do not have to worry about the transition after reintegration. WIN not only offers maternity coverage but also a supplementary premium of $2,600 yuan.

WIN is committed to creating an employee-friendly environment that respects gender equality and work-life balance.<br><br>We attract and retain talent, foster a sense of identity and belonging, and embrace cultural diversity so that employees can reach their full potential to create a win-win environment.