
According to the Company's Articles of Association and the "Corporate Governance Principles," the Board of Directors is appointed through a candidate nomination system. During the nomination and selection of Board members, the Company has obtained written statements, work experience, qualification exam certificates, and other relevant documents from each Director. Additionally, a family relationship table was provided for verification purposes to ensure that each Director, their spouse, and relatives within the third degree of kinship are independent from the Company.

It has been confirmed that all four independent Directors met the qualification requirements set forth in the "Regulations Governing the Establishment and Operation of Independent Directors of Public Companies" issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission and Article 14-2 of the Securities and Exchange Act both two years prior to and during their term of appointment. Furthermore, each independent Director has been granted full participation in decision-making and expressing opinions in accordance with Article 14-3 of the Securities and Exchange Act, enabling them to execute their duties independently.

Independent Director Selection

Our company follows the nomination system under Article 192-1 of the Company Act for the appointment of directors, including independent directors, as stated in our company's articles of incorporation. As announced in the notice for the regular shareholders' meeting held on March 31, 2022, shareholders holding more than 1% of the total issued shares of our company may submit a written proposal for the shareholders' meeting and a list of director nominees to our company during the period from April 8, 2022 to April 18, 2022 by registered mail to the Finance Department of our company located at 4F, No.180, Sec.2, Gongdao 5th Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City.

Mr. Szu-Ming Chen has nominated Directors and they should have submitted documents by due date. After the nomination period, the Board of Directors reviewed the list of Director nominees and evaluated their qualifications as independent directors in accordance with Article 192-1 of the Company Act before submitting them to the shareholders' meeting for election.

Candidate Correspondence

The list of independent director candidates approved by the board of directors on March 31, 2011.



Approval Votes

Independent DirectorsChang-Chiao Han27,976,412
Independent DirectorsYing-Li Lin27,976,412
Independent DirectorsKuo-Lung Yen27,976,412
Independent DirectorsNien-Ni Ku27,976,412

Independent Directors' Profession and Knowledge

Name and Title



Chang-Chiao Han
Independent Directors
Ph.D., Electronic Engineering, Case Western Reserve UniversityGeneral Manager, INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SOLUTION INC.
Ying-Li Lin
Independent Directors
Ph.D., Department of Finance, Business Administration, National Taiwan UniversityScience and Technology Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Asia University
Kuo-Lung Yen
Independent Directors
Master of Finance, National Chengchi UniversityCPA, Answer CPAS Firm
Nien-Ni Ku
Independent Directors
LLM, Virginia University (U.S.A.)Senior Assistant Vice President, Wonderland Group

Independent Directors Communication


(1) 每月編製稽核報告送交各獨立董事查閱,如有內控缺失或異常事項等須改善情形,須按季作成追蹤報告。
(2) 內部稽核主管依規定於審計委員會議中報告稽核業務,對於公司內部稽核執行及內控運作情形、查核缺失改善追蹤情形及其成效皆能充分溝通。
(3) 會計師於審計委員會及董事會議報告財務報表查核或審閱結果,另就內部控制建議或其他相關法令要求之溝通事項等亦會不定期與獨立董事進行溝通。







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