Identification and Engagement with Stakeholders

WinWin conducts stakeholder identification and, based on past experiences and industry characteristics, identifies its stakeholders. WinWin has established transparent and effective communication channels to understand the issues of concern to each stakeholder, continually improving to meet their expectations and needs.

The communication results are reported annually by the Sustainable Development Team to the CEO. The communication status for 2024 was presented to the 14th meeting of the 8th Board of Directors on November 12, 2024.

Stakeholder and Material Issue Assessment Process

Step 1

Identify Stakeholders

Conduct stakeholder identification based on past experiences and industry characteristics to determine the stakeholders.

Step 2

Collect Sustainability Topics

Based on the company's industry characteristics and internally focused topics, and referencing GRI standards, domestic and international sustainability trends, industry benchmarks, and peer information, identify topics using an intersection approach to determine common themes within the industry and narrow down sustainability issues.

Step 3

Investigate Stakeholders' Level of Concern

Distribute the online survey to investigate stakeholders' level of concern regarding sustainability issues.

Step 4

Assess the Significance of Impacts

Conduct scoring of sustainability issues through workshops and questionnaires, involving the Sustainable Development Team and senior management.Assess the positive/negative impacts of sustainability issues on economic, environmental, and social (including human rights) aspects. Evaluate each topic's "positive/negative impact level" and "likelihood of positive/negative occurrence" to determine the overall impact level of each topic.

Step 5

Establish the Prioritization of Material Topics

Based on the impact intensity ranking results from Step 4, the top 10 topics are selected as material topics. Additionally, the Sustainable Development Team considers industry trends, peer practices, and the company’s current status, including regulatory compliance, ethical business practices, and human rights assessments, to finalize the selection of material sustainability topics.

Stakeholder Communication Channels

Shareholders and Investors



Semiconductor Customers

Renewable Energy Customers

Government Agencies

Local Communities

Ethics and Anti-Corruption

Forced Labor

Stakeholders' Concerns, Communication Frequency, and Response Methods


Material Topics of Concern

Communication Frequency and Response Methods

Shareholders and InvestorsCorporate GovernancePublic Information Observation System: Anytime
Corporate Sustainability Section: Irregular
Press Releases / Official Website: Irregular
Board of Directors / Functional Committees: Quarterly
Shareholders' Meeting: Annually
Investor Conference: Annually
Annual Report / Sustainability Report: Annually
EmployeesEmployment Relations
Ethical Corporate Management
Labor-Management Relations
Human Rights Assessment
Occupational Safety and Health
Company Website: Anytime
Forced Labor Risk Control Team: Anytime
Educational Training: Irregular
Community Activities: Irregular
Charity Activities: Irregular
Grievance Procedures: Irregular
Health Seminars: Irregular
Employee Welfare Committee: Irregular
Health tracking for employees conducted by on-site medical staff after health checkups: Nurses visit four times per month, two hours per visit
Labor-Management Meetings: Quarterly
Occupational Safety Committee: Quarterly
Performance Reviews: Twice a year
Annual Advanced Training on Forced Labor: Annually
Post-Health Checkup Seminars and Group Insurance Briefings: Annually
CustomersCustomer Privacy
Corporate Governance
Company Website Customer Inquiry Section: Anytime
Domestic and International Exhibitions: Irregular
Meetings, Phone Calls, Emails, On-Site Customer Visits: Irregular
SuppliersRegulatory Compliance
Corporate Governance
Ethical Corporate Management
Customer Privacy
Company Website Investor Relations Section: Anytime
Supplier Meetings: Irregular
Supplier Evaluation: Twice a year (Top 20)
Government AgenciesRegulatory ComplianceOfficial Documents: Anytime
Company Website: Anytime
Forced Labor Risk Control Task Force: Anytime
Regulatory Authority Seminars: Irregular
Stakeholder Grievance Procedures: Irregular
Nonprofit OrganizationRegulatory Compliance
Customer Privacy
Waste Management
Renewable Energy Development
Company Website: Anytime
Forced Labor Risk Control Team: Anytime
Stakeholder Grievance Procedures: Irregular
Local CommunitiesRegulatory Compliance
Waste Management
Phone Calls / Emails / Press Releases: Irregular
Forums / Social Welfare and Environmental Protection Activities: Irregular